April 23, 2007

No need to invent that time machine (until Spetmeber)

It looked as if we were going to have a nice little run, the Halo 3 Beta in May, Mass Effect in June, Bioshock in August, GTA IV in October, Halo 3 in "Fall." Sure, it was packed, but at least we had enough time to play them all. That seems to be no longer the case.

A September release date for Mass Effect just kills everything. This means that there's a good chance that Bioshock, Mass Effect and Halo 3 could all hit in the same month (fall begins September 21st of so). When you toss in GTA and Metroid Prime: Corruption, things get even messier.

I guess this means we're going to face a game drought this summer, and that this Holiday season is going to obliterate previous sales records for games. Start saving your pennies, guys, because this fall is going to break the bank.

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